“I was referred to Oratorio by my piano instructor and I’m deeply grateful for the privilege of studying under Mr. Marck. My confidence in technical problem-solving, interpretation, sight reading, and adaptability has grown as I am patiently challenged to build skills thoughtfully each semester. What truly sets Oratorio apart is its mission of glorifying God through music, coupled with the expertise and passion of its teachers. I wholeheartedly recommend Oratorio to anyone seeking to grow their God-given talents to study music more deeply and intentionally.”
-Kathryn A.

James Marck, Director of Music, St. Francis de Sales Oratory. B.A., Bradley University, M.Mus., Northern Illinois University.
All lessons are taught at St. Francis de Sales Oratory, 2653 Ohio Ave., St. Louis MO 63118.
Lloyd Schultz, St. Louis 1988, 2-manual 6ft, 2 couplers and lute. Thanks to a partnership with the St. Louis Symphony Orchestra.
Oratorio employs the "three-legged-stool" (parent-child-teacher) approach developed throughout the 20th century by Shinichi Suzuki (1898-1998). The role of the parent is primary, with the teacher performing a facilitative role. Parents are encouraged to take an active role in the lessons, often performing the same assignments as the children where possible.
• Developing independence of the “weak” fingers
• Integrating the finger-wrist-elbow-back system
• Body mapping and the proactive release of muscle tension while playing
• Music literacy (reading notes)
• Performance etiquette (Program notes, entrance, bowing, posture, exit)
• Styles unique to the harpsichord (Baroque, Classical)
Tuition Rates
• $1.50 per minute.
• Checks Payable to “Oratorio.”
• Payable weekly or 10% discount if paid in full upfront.
• Total tuition is calculated based on the anticipated in-person lesson time, not merely the number of weeks in the semester. For example, tuition is not charged for dates which lessons do not occur due to foreseen liturgical conflicts, e.g., funeral, solemnity or on dates which the teacher must cancel due to an oratory music program obligation. Credits are applied to either a make-up day or subsequent semester.
Lesson Duration
Lessons are minimum 30 minutes by default for weekly beginners and intermediate students, 45 minutes for weekly advanced students and 1 hour for one-time “pointer” lessons.
Lesson Structure
Opening prayer, fundamentals, repertoire, closing prayer.
Practice time per week
Progress will always be evaluated by the degree to which the weekly objective is met, not an arbitrary duration of minutes or hours spent practicing.
Master Class
There is a master class with a guest instructor once per semester. If due to time constraints each student cannot receive a slot with the master teacher, students are selected by audition. This depends on the size of the roster any given semester.
A recital is performed each Spring at one of Oratorio's partner venues in St. Louis area.
Absence & Cancellation
All lessons are taught in-person and students must maintain a minimum of 60% attendance. For example, in a 14-week semester, students must have attended eight (8) lessons at minimum to be retained. To receive credit for a cancelled lesson, notification must be given by the student to the teacher no later than 24 hours before the cancellation and the cause be something other than lack of practice. Lessons cancelled by teacher are automatically credited.
Consecutive Absence
Even if the cause is illness or other circumstances unfortunately outside of the student’s control, the student may not take more than three (3) consecutive absences, even if they maintain 60% attendance cumulatively.
Make-up lessons
Lessons offered within the body of the normal semester to make up for a cancelled lesson are very difficult to schedule and are not guaranteed. Make-up lessons tend to be offered in the week following the formal close of the semester.
Weekly objective
Each week, the teacher will assign an objective with all necessary information in writing. The entire lesson and all cumulative progress is measured by the degree to which the weekly objective is being met, not how many minutes were spent practicing.
Confusion about weekly objective
Students must contact the teacher before the next lesson to resolve confusion, not wait until the next lesson. In the case of confusion about the weekly objective, students who fail to meet weekly objectives due to lack of inquiry/seeking of clarification between lessons will not be retained. In short, going a whole week without practice due to being confused is not acceptable.
Lapse Week
In the event the student has not practiced, for whatever reason, it is the preference of the oratory music program personnel that the lesson be cancelled with advance notification by the student to the teacher. Cancellation for not practicing does not yield a credit or refund.
Archdiocesan Safety Standards
The teacher is bound to the safety conditions of the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Protecting God’s Children. For all students under the age of 18, a parent or legal adult must be present during the entire lesson. The teacher reserves the right to suspend the lesson if at any point the parent leaves.

"We highly recommend Oratorio for anyone who wishes to begin or build on their musical education."